Video: Two Turtles Short Video (16x)
Video of me drawing two different styles of turtles.
Trying out things
Video of me drawing two different styles of turtles.
Trying out things
Another Abstract filmed on July 2021 – Enjoy I love drawing abstracts – it is very relaxing and one you get on the groove, it feel it goes pretty fast. This abstract took about 60 minutes from beginning to end. The recording is reduced to less than 3 minutes. Cheers! The 3 minute version: The…
Just published the 21H02 Series a group of 120+ pieces that were created between August 2021 and December 2021. I am particularly found of this collection because it includes several favorite pieces as well as the the 2021 Holiday Doodle-A Day – a self-imposed challenge that I wanted to try. For 25 days in December,…
There are many community and farmers markets in the area and each is coordinated by a different group. Cost to participate varies based on what you offer, the size of the booth, or the event location, so make sure you check with the event organizer. Some have a flat fee, others flat fee plus a…
Funny thing…Last night I set out to attempt to draw an owl. I tried four times. This one, the first one, turned out more like baby yoda cousin than an owl. I will post the other ones soon…. (Update: link to owl series ) Cheers! The short (45-second) version for Instagram can be found below:
One night a few weeks back I set out to attempt to draw an owl. I tried four times. This one is my third attempt, and it turned out to be a Funny Owl The first looked more like baby yoda, the second one had a big of a big head. ( Update: link to…
Published another video late last night on YouTube. This one is about line drawings and how they can turn into triangles! Also created a Instagram 35 second promo version for it. You can find it here Enjoy!