Report: Higher Purpose of Doodling

We saw this report a very long time, and this morning I ran into it again doing some google searches.
CBS Sunday Morning report on Doodling

There is even a book!

Very cool!
We saw this report a very long time, and this morning I ran into it again doing some google searches.
CBS Sunday Morning report on Doodling
There is even a book!
Very cool!
Creating YouTube videos is pretty straight forward, and I have a process that I am trying to stick to with them: 3 – 4 minute speed-up videos with music Fade in / out intro with logo Display the finished art at the end for 5 seconds Transition into Like, Subscribe & Share Upbeat / Happy…
In my previous post, More Products, More Stores Part 2, I explained the setup I have. With 4 different stores, 4 print of demand suppliers, things were getting a bit complex (under statement!) I have over 58 products now and I had to create a spreadsheet to track it all. I will spare you lots of…
I love how this T-Shirt came together… Iron Fish was a great doodle drawing, but the way it came to be in this t-shirt is amazing. (and I did it by myself!) Check out the product page!
I had the privilege of conducting a session on Doodling early this week, and what a great experience it was! I expected maybe 5 people, and we had 21 people showed up. Although I have conducted many classes and presentations in my life, this it the first time I have done anything relating to my…