New Video: December Abstract

New Video: Draw with Me: December Abstract. Doodling art.

Click on the image, or click here to view video.
New Video: Draw with Me: December Abstract. Doodling art.
Click on the image, or click here to view video.
Who would have ever know that doodles look so good on the kitchen! On Dish towels no less! Maybe I need to do more… and for a bonus the first apron is published! Pretty Cool!
Wife and I sat down over the weekend and created a number of new leggings and t-shirts with existing doodles. Very productive session! ( Wife has a great eye!) 🙂 They turned out GREAT! You can check them all out on the DoodlingJorge Product Catalog:
One night a few weeks back I set out to attempt to draw an owl. I tried four times. This one is my third attempt, and it turned out to be a Funny Owl The first looked more like baby yoda, the second one had a big of a big head. ( Update: link to…
Celebrating Hispanic day, this abstract had a sombrero! ! – Enjoy You can buy this as an Art Print or Cards at: 2021 Sombrero Cheers! The 3 minute version: The short (45-second) version for Instagram can be found below: