Fun Many Faces T-Shirt
Fun T-Shirt Promo
Please do not laugh. This is my first promo. I designed it from scratch. It took me a while to finalize it.. Not sure if I will use it yet, but for someone not used to this I though it turned out pretty good. Learning a lot! – I need to check what will be…
First version of launched today. I needed some sort of a link hub for all of my different stores and social media items. Looked into Linked Tree, but opted out to create and host my own page as I am thinking of adding more features to it… Version 1 follows:
I call this one Iron fish. It is not a doodle, but a drawing. Drawn in early 2020 on a cold winter afternoon. I was probably thinking of the tropics. It is a fish, but it started as a bunch of lines on a paper. Yes – Paper. It was done with ink on paper….
Creating YouTube videos is pretty straight forward, and I have a process that I am trying to stick to with them: 3 – 4 minute speed-up videos with music Fade in / out intro with logo Display the finished art at the end for 5 seconds Transition into Like, Subscribe & Share Upbeat / Happy…