New Logo for DoodlingJorge

My daughter created this pretty cool logo
I love it! — Thank you

My daughter created this pretty cool logo
I love it! — Thank you
I can’t ignore the Facebook fans, so after the Instagram account we must naturally have a Facebook page. Please Like the page!
How do I create videos for YouTube and other social media ones? Just published a series of Behind the Scenes videos on how I am currently creating my videos – In Part 1 I show how I create the video In Part 2 I show how I edit a video version for YouTube in the…
Today I wanted to test Bard. In the past week. since the release of Gemini, lots has been said about its capabilities, so I wanted to try it… This “session” was an impromptu / ad hoc / no prep session about 15 minutes. No correcting or deep prompting — just a simple free flow of…
Last night I launched the DoodlingJorge YouTube Channel The first video g is of me drawing a simple fish doodle. There will be many more.. Lots of possibilities for improvements, but overall I liked how the video light and feel turns out. Hope you like it! Enjoy! Please Like, Subscribe and Share!!
I am so excited! I just found out that I sold my first NFT !! No it was not millions, or thousands, or hundreds or tens of dollars — give me a but please give me a break I am in someone’s collection now HOW COOL IS THAT? It was not one of the originals that…
What a year 2020 was! – For me personally, my family kept me safe and grounded, but doodling kept me sane and helped me relaxed through so much this year.